How Do You Maintain Hormone Balance? Women and men


If you ever feel mood swings now and then, hormones must first hit your mind because they are triggering such an emotion for you to go through. Well, that’s not it. They do much more in your body, which would impact your overall health and mood. 

The glands in the endocrine system produce chemical messengers called hormones. These hormones can stimulate an individual’s metabolism, reproductive system, mood, and growth. They travel through the bloodstream and reach the organs and tissues to affect bodily functions. 

For instance, insulin is a hormone that controls blood sugar levels. When someone is affected by diabetes, insulin function is damaged and ineffective. Therefore, keeping your hormones in good condition also matters in curbing the growth of diseases.

That’s why keeping an eye on your hormonal balance is always good. If yes, be it men or women, this article teaches you how to treat hormonal imbalances.

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What causes hormonal imbalance?

What causes hormonal imbalance?

The hormones don’t remain as they are; they rise and fall on the same day, even throughout life. Therefore, you may find hormonal imbalance at any point in time, commonly when you are stressed, undergoing some medications, or consuming steroids. On the other hand, it can also be due to changes in life stages such as puberty, menopause, and pregnancy. 

Also, if any glands that produce hormones are affected by the tumors, if your immune system is damaged, or if there is any damage to your endocrine system, you’ll find yourself with a hormonal imbalance. As a result, there is a change in bodily functions.

Although hormonal imbalances in males and females differ, they depend on the levels and types of hormones in each individual.


They produce excessive estrogen and progesterone, which are majorly produced by the ovaries and in small amounts by the adrenal glands. If you have any such symptoms, there are natural remedies for hormonal imbalances in females that you can follow.


Whereas men produce testosterone excessively from the testes and in small amounts from the adrenal glands. If you have any symptoms, they can be cured with natural remedies for hormonal imbalances in males.

Note that both women and men produce all the hormones, but testosterone has the upper hand in men, whereas estrogen and progesterone have the lower hand in women. This means the other significant hormones are produced in fewer amounts. 

The hormones work together with a feedback loop and interaction mechanisms to create body balance. For instance, blood sugar levels spike after you eat food, and the beta cells in the pancreas detect the rise. As a control center, they release insulin, which takes over from there to reduce blood sugar levels from fat tissues, muscles, and the liver. When the levels decrease, the pancreas reduces the insulin level. 

What are the common signs that you have hormonal imbalance?

You understand how hormones work until now; if you have a hormonal imbalance, you will commonly see signs that you must be aware that changes are taking place. 

What are the common signs that you have hormonal imbalance?

Symptoms that women face 

Depending on the hormone affected, a woman can face:

  1. Changes in period cycle 
  2. Heavy flow during periods or painful periods 
  3. Difficulty in losing weight or weight gain symptoms 
  4. Undergoing fatigue 
  5. Going through mood swings 
  6. Difficulty in sleeping 
  7. Witnessing hair loss or thinning 
  8. Experiencing acne uncommonly 
  9. Sweating heavily during the night
  10. Decreased interest in sexual activity 

Symptoms that men face

Again, depending on which hormone is affected, men can face:

  1. Dysfunction in erections 
  2. Lower interest in sexual activity 
  3. Losing muscle mass
  4. Feeling fatigued 
  5. Feeling irritated and depressed 
  6. Decrease in bone density
  7. Thinning and loss of hair 
  8. Changes in body composition, such as gain in fat percentage 
  9. Issues in concentrating 
  10. Memory loss issues 

These are just the symptoms or signs that can result in other problems; hence, prevention is a cure that requires you to consult a health professional for hormonal imbalance treatment.

How can you promote hormone balance?

You can get it back in control if you make certain changes in your lifestyle, and here’s what you need to promote hormonal balance. 

Dietary changes with proper nutrition 

This involves eliminating or avoiding processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and refined sugars and eating more vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. 

Including activity or call it exercises 

Indulge in exercising regularly, at least 150 minutes a week. Your workout routine can include aerobic, flexibility, or strength training exercises.

Managing your stress 

In addition to exercises, practice meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, and being in nature to reduce stress. These techniques can significantly reduce your stress levels. 

Need to get quality sleep. 

To regulate your hormones, try to sleep for at least 7 to 9 hours daily.

Maintaining weight 

Try to achieve weight with lower body fat through exercise and dieting, as obesity can trigger hormonal imbalance. 

Put a limit on alcohol and caffeine. 

They tend to disrupt your hormones; hence, try consuming herbal teas and water instead.

Avoid toxins 

This can be seen in the food you consume, the products you use, and the air you breathe. So avoid an environment that is polluted with chemicals and pesticides. Use homely products for personal care and prepare food using household items. 

Take an exit to smoke 

Smoking can trigger hormonal changes as it alters the normal functioning of the hormones. As you know, it can even cause various other problems, so it’s good that you quit. 

When should you consult?

It’s time that you consult a dietician if you are witnessing persistent symptoms such as:

  1. If there is a severe change in the length of the menstrual cycle, 
  2. If you are finding it challenging to be pregnant.
  3. If they are unexplained weight loss or gain, mood swings, or changes in the sexual interest 
  4. If there are reproductive health issues such as pelvic pain or abnormal vaginal bleeding, 
  5. If unexplained hair loss or changes in the heart rate exist,
  6. If there is unusual skin pigmentation, 
  7. Any issues related to hormonal contraceptives 

If there is anything that you think is due to hormonal changes, you better consult for hormonal imbalance natural treatment than go through the changes.

You must have heard about hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which uses synthetic hormones to replace the hormones that are not adequately produced in your body. This requires careful assessment by a healthcare provider before the therapy can be performed. 

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Wrapping up 

If you’ve been experiencing the symptoms mentioned or think something is wrong, consult a professional for a hormone imbalance test to get it under control before any severe causes arise. Effective disease management can help address hormone imbalances early, preventing more serious health issues down the line.

Fitness with Nidhi is a fitness trainer and certified dietician who can help with hormonal imbalances, balance hormonal levels, and restore normal health.

Take a step towards healthy hormones for overall well-being with Fitness with Nidhi today.

Nidhi Gupta is an ACE certified personal trainer and nutritionist with over 10 years of experience helping people reach their fitness goals. She is passionate about helping people live healthier lives and loves sharing her knowledge and expertise with others. Get in touch with her to learn more about how she can help you on your fitness journey.