How to Stay Hydrated and Prevent Dehydration Guide by Nidhi Gupta?


Have you ever woken up feeling drained, having a headache, sweating, or losing breath?

These might be the first signs of dehydration, and your body is trying to let you know that it needs assistance. 

Dehydration is a state where the body loses more water than it can absorb, affecting each age group’s bodily functions. This blog will teach you about oral rehydration therapy, dehydration remedies, and even dehydration IV for critical conditions.

Understanding Dehydration 

Dehydration means the loss of electrolytes from the body. The human body relies on water for various activities, including temperature regulation, digestion, and nutrient transport. When the body is not well hydrated, it cannot do these things, which is when you begin to feel signs of dehydration. 

Why Does Dehydration Happen? 

Dehydration can occur for many reasons. Some leading causes include holding, sweating due to heat or exercise, lack of water intake, or diseases resulting in vomiting and diarrhea. 

Infants, the elderly, and athletes are most likely to be affected. However, it can quickly occur in infants, while adults might not realize it until they start feeling horrible. 

Dehydration Treatment and Prevention Strategies

Dehydration is feeling thirsty and a state where your body lacks enough fluid to perform its activities. Fortunately, it is a condition that can be avoided, and flood prevention strategies exist, along with several good methods of treating dehydration that are experienced. 

Recognizing Dehydration 

Recognizing Dehydration: the first step in dealing with dehydration is to recognize its signs. Dryness of the mouth, dizziness, headache, and dark-colored urine are early indicators. Ignoring these signs can lead to serious consequences like confusion or fainting. By being aware of these signs, you can take proactive steps to prevent dehydration, especially in vulnerable groups like infants and the elderly. 

Treatment Options 

Dehydration is a bad thing that needs to be fixed right away.

 To help your body recover, it’s important to drink water and eat salty foods. A good way to do this is to drink a special drink called Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS). ORS is a balanced mixture of water, sugar, and salt that helps your body use water more effectively, making it an effective treatment for dehydration. 

ORS is made with:

1) water
2) sugar
3) salt

It helps your body use water more effectively.

Adults can make ORS at home with water, sugar, and salt. But it’s best for babies to use ORS made for them. This will help their bodies get the right amount of salt and sugar. If your baby is dehydrated, it’s important to see a doctor immediately, as infants can become severely dehydrated very quickly and may need medical intervention.

Prevention Strategies 

It is desirable to prevent the condition rather than cure it. Drink enough water, and if you are out in the sun or doing lots of exercise, do even more. 

In mild dehydration, rehydration solutions such as ORS can be used in the initial stage. Coconut water, which contains natural electrolytes, is another home remedy. 

If dehydration treatment is to be done at home, ensure you always have the rehydration solutions, especially if there are children or the elderly at your house. 

Special Considerations for Hydration 

It is crucial for individuals of every age and with all types of health conditions, but it must be given special heed to these people. Let’s take a closer look at the precautions commonly associated with water consumption for different groups of people and under different circumstances. 

Hydration for Athletes 

During exercise, athletes use up a lot of fluids, which explains why they require foods that replenish their body fluids. To ensure performance improvement and avoid signs of dehydration, they should drink 5 to 7 milliliters per kilogram before exercise, 4 to 6 ounces every 15 minutes during exercise, and 2 to 3 cups of fluids evry hour after exercise. Electrolyte rehydration solutions, as well as salt lozenges, can also be useful in replacing the lost minerals when taken in small quantities. 

Hydration for Children 

Children’s requirements for water as a fluid are higher than those for the adult population. Children can easily get dehydrated, more so during illnesses. When sick, they must keep rehydrating themselves and observe signs of dehydration like dry mouth and little or no urine output. 

Hydration for the Elderly 

Older people have a lower threshold for thirst sensation, which means that they are at a higher risk of dehydration. The caregivers and the families have to ensure that more fluid intake. Broth or diluted juices are also good examples of home remedies for dehydration in adults that can be used in treating cases.

Preventing Dehydration During Illness 

When a person is sick, especially with diseases like diarrhea or vomiting, the person must drink a lot of water. Oral rehydration solutions (ORS) to replace lost fluids and electrolytes are included in such incidences.

Intravenous Rehydration 

I.V. rehydration is an advanced fluid therapy treatment applied when dehydration or loss of body fluids cannot be corrected through drinking. When patients cannot drink fluids and are unconscious, continue vomiting, or have lost more than 10% of their weight due to dehydration, IV rehydration is straight to the point and guarantees the needed fluids and electrolytes. 

Solutions commonly employed for this purpose contain more saline or a blend of sodium, potassium, and sometimes glucose to quickly replenish intracellular amounts of these solutions.

Best Home Remedies For Dehydration

Best Home Remedies For Dehydration: the first line of defense against any health issue often starts at home. Dehydration is no different. You can effectively treat dehydration using simple household remedies that are easily accessible. Let’s discuss them.


There are two ways to stay hydrated: drink plenty of water and eat foods rich in water. Bananas are one fruit that contains 70-79% water. You can consume two bananas a day before or after a workout.

Coconut Water

When it comes to maintaining your body’s water balance, it’s important to look for foods or drinks that not only contain a high amount of water but also replenish your electrolytes. Coconut water is a great choice. It’s isotonic, meaning its electrolyte level is similar to that found in our bodies, making it an effective way to maintain your electrolyte level and water balance.

Lemon Water

Who does not like this drink? It is a refreshing drink made in all households, especially during summer. To increase its benefits, add salt to it. This will replenish the lost salt in your body and increase your vitamin and mineral levels.

Rice Water

Rice is a stable diet in India. The water used to cook rice has enormous health benefits. It is used to fight summer heat, heat stroke, and dehydration. Rice also contains different minerals such as chloride and sodium, and the best part is that you do not have to make any extra effort to prepare it.



One of the best reasons people should ensure that they take enough water is because it helps improve energy intake and digestion. Daily water intake and oral rehydration solutions can go a long way when a patient has a disease. 

If you have problems with hydration or struggle with recovery, I can help you with recommendations about dehydration treatment at home and tips for a healthy lifestyle.  Contact Today!

Nidhi Gupta is an ACE certified personal trainer and nutritionist with over 10 years of experience helping people reach their fitness goals. She is passionate about helping people live healthier lives and loves sharing her knowledge and expertise with others. Get in touch with her to learn more about how she can help you on your fitness journey.