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Water is essential for performing various vital activities of life. It is present in both intracellular and extracellular body fluids. Plasma, saliva, digestive juices, urine, and other bodily fluids are some forms in which water facilitates different processes of the body.
About 50-60% of our total body weight is made up of water. Men have about 60% of their body weight as water, while women have about 51%. This difference is because women usually have more body fat than men, and fat contains less water.
A Sea Maintained Within Our Body
Water in our body is stored in many small compartments, and it moves freely between them based on its chemical balance. It’s important to keep the right amount of water in the body. Our thirst and the work of our kidneys maintain this balance, which helps control how much water we keep or lose.
Our kidneys are very good at saving water. Even though we pass about 1-2 liters of urine daily, the kidneys reabsorb most water and important substances back into the body.
How Much Water Should I Drink Daily?
Water needs vary from person to person, region to region, and climate to climate. People living in hotter parts of the world require more water for hydration than those in cooler region. Similarly, individuals engaged in vigorous physical activity have higher water requirements than those with a sedentary lifestyle. It is advisable to drink approximately 1-2 liters of water daily. This amount refers solely to water intake from plain water or beverages. Additionally, we obtain water from food, which provides around 50% of our water needs, with milk being the highest and fats being the lowest contributors. Our body also produces water through various metabolic reactions.
Why Do I Feel Thirsty?
When our blood becomes too concentrated, the brain sends signals to the kidneys to reabsorb sodium and water, hence, they are reabsorbed into the blood. At the same time, the brain makes us feel thirsty, so we drink water to balance the concentration of our blood. This is how our body keeps its water levels in balance.
However, sometimes we ignore the feeling of thirst. This can happen with children, older adults who may not feel thirst as strongly, or people busy with outdoor work. That’s why it’s important to always listen to your thirst and drink only plain water.
Plain water is better than flavored drinks when you’re thirsty. It helps lower blood pressure and prevents the load of extra solutes in your blood, keeping your body healthy.
What Should I Drink When I Am Thirsty?
Thirst is your body’s way of signaling that your blood has become concentrated with too much sodium. At this point, the best thing you can do is drink a glass of plain, clean water. You can also choose a sports drink, which contains a balance of glucose and sodium to replace what’s lost through sweat during vigorous exercise.
However, you should avoid flavored drinks, packaged juices, and soft drinks. Smoothies and freshly prepared shakes are a better choice as they keep you hydrated while providing energy and nutrients. Just make sure to read the labels to check how many calories you’re consuming.
Avoid caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee when you’re thirsty, as they can dehydrate your body further. Alcohol is also a bad choice when you’re dehydrated. Sticking to plain water or healthy options like smoothies is always the better choice for quenching your thirst and staying healthy.
What Are the Good Habits for Drinking Water?
In India, water safety is measured based on standards set by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). We should follow some basic healthy habits of hydration such as:
- Always opt for potable drinking water. This will ensure your protection from waterborne diseases.
- In the morning, drink water from a copper pot with overnight stored water.
- Drink at least 1-2 litres of water daily. As there is no prescribed limit for water intake, thus these are just some approximate estimates, so always go with your thirst call.
- Prefer to drink water from an earthen pot, as far as possible.
- While traveling, drink bottled water from a trusted brand.
- Make plain potable water, your first choice to quench your thirst.
Benefits Of Proper Hydration
- Relieves headaches: Many people experience mild headaches at certain times of the day. This could be a symptom of ignoring your body’s thirst signals. Drinking 1-2 glasses of water, sip by sip, over 30 minutes can help to relieve such headaches. To prevent these headaches from becoming persistent, make it a habit to drink a glass of water every 2-3 hours.
- Healthy old age: Proper hydration is critically important for the elderly. There are various reasons why dehydration is common in older adults. For instance, the sensation of thirst may be diminished. Other contributing factors include certain infections, the body’s increased water demand in elderly individuals on high-protein tube feedings for over 9-10 days (to filter out nitrogenous wastes), and some medications that suppress the sensation of thirst. Additionally, some elderly individuals may suffer from conditions such as stroke or cerebrovascular accidents, which further complicate their ability to maintain proper hydration.
- Diabetes cure: People with type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or heart disease may benefit from increasing their water intake over 6 weeks. Drinking more water helps dilute copeptin, a precursor of the stress hormone vasopressin. Higher levels of copeptin in the blood are associated with an increased risk of the diseases mentioned above.
- UTI infections in premenopausal women: Women in their premenopausal phase who drink less than 1.5 liters of water daily are more likely to experience recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Increasing their water intake to more than 2 liters per day for over a year can help cure UTIs permanently.
- Improved memory in children: Proper hydration is very important for young children, who often neglect drinking enough water. Staying hydrated helps improve their concentration and memory.

Water is truly the elixir of life. It plays a vital role in maintaining the body’s balance, supporting essential functions, and enhancing overall well-being. By developing good hydration habits and listening to your body’s thirst signals, you can prevent common health issues and improve your quality of life. Whether it’s boosting memory in children, promoting healthy aging, or reducing the risk of diseases like diabetes and UTIs, proper hydration is the key.
Let’s make water our primary choice for hydration and ensure it is safe and clean for consumption. After all, staying hydrated is one of the simplest and most effective ways to nurture a healthy body and mind.
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